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Ted's Story


Clemmie, is a big reason why Des, my business partner, and I created Ted’s Bowl. She’s a successful businesswoman, happily living with her lovely boyfriend and both of them are the devoted servants of Doug, the lady pug.

They are typical urban pet owners. Doug is the surrogate child. The third wheel in their family. In my next life I am coming back as Doug who leads as privileged an existence as any royal princess.

Doug has both a summer and winter wardrobe, a choice of collars and leads. The pick of position on the bed at night.

And there is nothing that Clemmie doesn’t know about canine wellbeing, nutrition and proper feeding of this most pampered, precious pooch. She takes no chances. She only wants the best for her pumpkin!

Which is why we saw a gap in the market. There has been little real innovation in pet feeding choices for many years. It is and always has been tinned, dried (kibble) or raw.

To the new generation it is not acceptable to feed their canine and feline family members on a diet of tinned or dried food. It is inconceivable they would depend on this diet for a baby or follow it themselves. And with so many being veggies or vegans they do not want to be handling raw meat.

The pet population significantly increased during lockdown. It is estimated 3 million more dogs and cats came into our lives.

The majority joining the households of the newly working-from-home first time pet parents.

In their own lives they are used to buying premium ready meals, secure in the belief they are eating a wholesome meal. So, making premium ready meals specially for their dogs and cats made perfect sense.

Comprising ONLY human grade prime cuts of meat and fish with seasonal vegetables for dogs(cats don’t do veg) and added essential vitamins and minerals. Conveniently ready to be lightly cooked from frozen (or thawed) in the microwave. It couldn’t be easier or more nutritious.

Knowing how important a good diet is for helping longevity, health and happiness and that serving the best food contributes to this is what every parent wants to do for their family.

I grew up on a farm surrounded by dogs and cats (and other animals). My father used to go to the local butcher and return home with quite dubious off-cuts that were fed to our robust collies and fierce farm cats straight onto the barn floor. Coats and fancy collars didn’t feature.

Now as a very grown-up urbanite living in central London, I just have a dog, Annie but I am hoping to adopt a cat very shortly.

I met my darling Annie – Orphan Annie – nearly 10 years ago on a remote hillside on a Greek island as a 5-week-old puppy. Abandoned, dying of thirst and covered in burrs from a night in the open, she was found on a morning trip to buy croissants.

Finding Annie presented a huge problem. Give her water, yes, feed her, no. To do so would mean she would never leave. But she didn’t anyway. The vet on the islands said adopt her or he would do, what he always did with the many strays, tie her in the shade of a large tree and feed and water her for 24 hours. During which time anyone could come by and take her for their own. If she was still there at the end of the day, he would have no choice but to put her to sleep.

But there was a choice. Our choice. I knew Easyjet wasn’t going to welcome an extra passenger.  Which meant the rest of the holiday was taken up with finding a way to save Annie. Luckily, there are some wonderful women who travel to and from the Greek islands bringing back 3-legged dogs and one-eyed cats. I contracted them to bring her to London.

I didn’t plan on keeping Annie, just saving her as I had Nellie, my Staffie, waiting at home. It wasn’t difficult to find a family happy to have her. But on the day of her arrival, her adoptive ‘pet parents’ rang to say they were off on hols and would I keep her for a week.

Once Annie bounded through the front door, there was no way she was ever leaving. She has proved to be the most extraordinary dog I have ever had. It is not an exaggeration to say that she mesmerizes people. They are drawn to her in a way which is quite exceptional.  

Darling Annie has been by my side through good and bad times.

In particular as my loyal companion on solo long-distance hikes including the last 200 miles of the Camino de Santiago de Compostela, coast to coast following Hadrian’s Wall, from Assisi to Rome and the length of the Thames from London to its source in Gloucestershire.  

In sickness, including hers when she was mauled badly by a neighbour’s dog resulting in 12 stitched wounds and a drain in her throat last autumn, she has come through at times when she was needed most. And in health, the most joyous and joy giving dog.

Des, my business partner has two wonderful companions in Hugo and Ronnie, big bouncy Labs who have the luxury of great open spaces to roam across Norfolk. And a family that dotes on them

Two years ago, when Des and I were working together on other projects, we discovered we both believed there was a better alternative to the pet food brands on the market. So, we channelled our energy into creating Ted’s Bowl. A wholly new way of feeding our beloved dogs and cats. Made from the finest ingredients, providing first class nourishment, wholesome and natural and available in a very convenient format. Stored in the freezer until mealtimes, cooked in a fully recyclable containers with a re-sealable lid for later servings.

With a range of delicious recipes including (for cats) Just Beef, Just Lamb, Chicken and Salmon, and (for dogs) Beef with Sweet Potato, Lamb with Mint, Chicken with Carrots, Venison with Blackberries. Plus, a range of enhanced recipes specially for kittens, puppies and senior dogs.

Ted’s Bowl launched the complete range on Ocado on 24 January. Bolstered by the belief and support of the Pet Food Buyer at Ocado reckoning that pet ready meals are “the next big thing in pet food”. 

Read more every Sunday evening on the exploits of Annie, Doug the pug, Hugo and Ronnie and introducing Maud, the Burmese cat I gifted to my best friend, Jo.